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Research Data Management Support
In response to inquiries from partner libraries and the Ministry of Post Secondary Education and Future Skills, the BC ELN Steering Committee began to discuss in July 2023 the ways in which BC ELN may support Research Data Management (RDM) strategies in the province. This discussion was followed by a survey of member libraries, the hosting of several information sessions on existing RDM services, and a meeting with the Small Institutions Community of Practice (SICoP).
The ideas that arose from these consultations, including a list of five possible next steps the BC ELN office could explore over the next two to three years, were outlined in a summary document (see BC ELN and Research Data Management Support: Recommendations) and shared with the Steering Committee ahead of the annual winter Business Meeting. At that meeting, held on December 1st, 2023, the Steering Committee approved a motion for the BC ELN office to explore the recommended next steps presented in the document:
- Explore interest in a collaborative curatorial support service
- Help partner libraries identify the services that will support their RDM strategies
- Provide shared spaces supporting cross-institution discussions about RDM
- Start a project to identify the existing data repositories that BC researchers use, and finding ways to connect them to library discovery tools
- Provide a shared online space, to compile and aggregate the training and documentation resources that partner libraries have already created
Moving Forward
The BC ELN office has proceeded with steps to identify services to support RDM strategies.
- Understanding that BC ELN should not create redundant infrastructure, the office explored existing infrastructure available in Canada
- Borealis and the Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR) were selected as strong options for partner libraries
- Partner libraries attended presentations by Borealis and FRDR, available for viewing here: RDM Session Videos, Slides, and Q&A
- Further information about these two services and how they can support RDM at your institution has been summarized in a document here: RDM Decision Support
Next steps for partner libraries
To use FRDR
- Guide researchers in setting up accounts
- Contact for assistance
To join Borealis
Membership in a consortium with an existing relationship with Borealis is required to join Borealis. Borealis members are billed through their consortia.
COPPUL members should join through COPPUL.
BC ELN does not at present have a relationship with Borealis, as few non-COPPUL BC ELN partner libraries have indicated interest. If your library is not a COPPUL member and intends to join Boreals, please contact Brandon Weigel to let us know.