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AskAway Committees and Groups

AskAway Advisory Committee

The AskAway Advisory Committee focuses on policy and planning and operations. It is a subcommittee of the BC ELN Steering Committee.

AskAway Advisory Committee members:

  • advise BC ELN on policy issues
  • represent the interests and concerns of their regions and institution types
  • bring forward issues and suggest initiatives
  • carry out research, or other work, in support of the service and bring back recommendations
  • communicate regularly with their colleagues on the aim and progress of the AskAway service
  • act as 'goodwill ambassadors' for AskAway

Representatives are elected for a two year term commencing October 1, and may be renewed once. The Chair is elected for a one-year term and may be renewed once. The terms of appointment are staggered to allow for continuity.

Terms of Reference

Best Practices for AskAway Advisory Committee Members


Constituency Groups



Second Term ends: September 30, 2025

Rural Colleges Representative

First Term ends: September 30, 2026

Simon Fraser University Representative

Small Universities Representative

Second Term ends: September 30, 2026

Teaching Universities and Technical Institutions Representative

First Term ends: September 30, 2025

University of British Columbia Representative

University of Victoria Representative

Urban Colleges Representative

First Term ends: September 30, 2025

Members at Large

First Term ends: September 30, 2026
Second Term ends: September 30, 2026
First Term ends: September 30, 2025

BC ELN Office


Advisory Committee meetings are typically held once per term, or as required.

AskAway Constituency Groups

Urban Colleges

Alexander College
Camosun College
Columbia College
Douglas College
Justice Institute of BC
Langara College
Okanagan College
Vancouver Community College

Teaching Universities and Technical Institutions

British Columbia Institute of Technology
Capilano University
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
University of the Fraser Valley
Yukon University

Rural Colleges

Coast Mountain College
College of New Caledonia
College of the Rockies
Nicola Valley Institute of Technology
North Island College
Northern Lights College
Selkirk College

Small Universities

Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Thompson Rivers University
Trinity Western University
University Canada West
University of Northern British Columbia

Simon Fraser University

University of British Columbia

University of Victoria


AskAway Commitment Models Review Working Group

Visit the AskAway Commitment Models Review Working Group page. This working group is active from July 2024.

Past Committees & Groups

AskAway Proactive Chat Pilot Task Group (June - October 2021)

AskAway Software Evaluation Committee (October 2018 - March 2019)

Additional AskAway committees and groups are active as needed. If you would like more information about past committees and groups, please contact the AskAway Admin Centre.