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AskAway Action Planning
Action Planning Framework (2023-2028)
With the participation of all AskAway members and the support of the Advisory Committee, AskAway confirmed its vision and values and developed collaborative service priorities. The service value, 5-year service vision, and 2-3 year activities are shared below.
The Framework is also available as a PDF: AskAway Action Planning Framework 2023-2028.
Service Value
Expanded Access to Research Help
- Together, libraries provide research support beyond what one library can offer alone
- Research support to students is expanded beyond local library walls, hours, and staff commitments
Convenient, Low-Barrier, Online
- Students can connect to a low-barrier, real-time, and online service when they need it
- Students receive approachable, immediate, and expert help regardless of their location
- Libraries stay connected to students studying remotely and at a distance
Skilled and Connected Community
- Service providers and local coordinators build communities of practice
- Service providers hone their skills by answering questions from a diverse range of students and navigating new resources at participating libraries
- Working together, colleagues from participating institutions collectively improve reference services across the sector
Local and Provincial Cost-Savings
- Individual institutions and the post-secondary sector realize cost-savings by being part of a shared service
5-Year Service Vision
In the next five years, we will see an AskAway service that:
- Fosters collaboration among participating institutions and service providers*
- Ensures accessibility for all*
- Leverages technology to enhance the service*
- Maintains or grows service levels*
- Effectively responds to student / patron needs
- Delivers high quality reference and excellent information literacy instruction
- Engages and meets users at point of need
- Demonstrates value to stakeholders
*2-3 year priorities. Additional priorities can be identified from the list in following years.
2-3 Year Priorities and Activities
Visit the 2-3 Year Service Priorities and Activities page to see next steps, including a timeline for activities that meet AskAway's 2-3 year priorities.
Supporting documents:
Action Planning Sessions Outcomes (August 2023)
Action Planning Process (November 2022)
Past Action Plan (2017-2022)
The AskAway Advisory Committee developed priorities to align with the BC ELN Strategic Plan for 2016-21 and to envision an even better AskAway.
These documents report on action planning for the service:
- Action Planning Priorities: Progress (Revised May 2022)
- Action Planning Priorities: Progress (October 2019)
- Action Planning Priorities: Next Steps (February 2018)
- Action Planning Vote Results (November 2017)