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Methods of Selection

The first step toward consortial licensing involves identifying electronic resources of common interest and value. In order to provide an effective mechanism for identifying these resources, BC ELN uses the following methods of selection:

BC ELN Resource Forum and Ranking Survey

The BC ELN Resource Forum and Ranking Survey is one vehicle for identifying resources for potential BC ELN consortial licensing. The Resource Forum provides a means for partner library staff to provide input on potential new products.

Every two to three years, a list of suggested titles drawn from the Forum becomes the basis of a Ranking Survey. Each partner library reviews the list of suggested new products and ranks them by priority for licensing. Usually two to three products become the focus of investigation and/or negotiations, based on the Survey results.

Consortia Canada Initiatives

Consortia Canada is an informal, self-organized coalition of library consortia in Canada. Participating consortia work together to negotiate national multi-consortial offers, leveraging group purchasing power and consortial licensing expertise across the country.

Consortia Canada offers may arise unpredictably outside of the BC ELN licensing cycle.

Multi-Consortial Collaborations

When beneficial, BC ELN works with other consortia to maximize discounts and provide new licensing opportunities to partner libraries.

Provincially, BC ELN has collaboratied with groups including the Public Libraries Branch at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Focused Education Resources (formerly ERAC, the Education Resource Acquisition Consortium). Regionally, BC ELN has partnered with other consortia such as the Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL) or The Alberta Library (TAL), to name a few.