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GVRL eBooks

No longer offered by BC ELN.

Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) eBooks are a one-time purchase with annual hosting fee and additional features. From the vendor:

  • GVRL incorporates collaboration tools Google Apps for Education, Microsoft Office 365 and NoodleTools to provide intuitive integration of popular workflow tools. 
  • Upgraded functionality and interface for Response Design, enabling GVRL to be mobile friendly, no matter what device your students and faculty are using. 
  • No DRM limitations 
  • Unlimited simultaneous users 
  • Cross search all of your GVRL, or use Advance search for many parameters 
  • GVRL can be added to your Artemis Literary Sources platform to cross-search with your Literature Criticism Online, Dictionary of Literary Biography, Twayne’s and Scribner’s 
  • Highlights and Notes feature 
  • NEW InterLink technology provides hyperlinks in InfoTrac products, i.e. Academic OneFile, linking users directly to relevant GVRL eBooks from your collection 
  • Enhanced full and free bibliographic MARC records 
  • Create direct URLs for individual GVRL titles, or “eBook subcollections” to embed in your Library pages, LibGuides, course reserves, Instructional Management systems, etc. 
  • Articles can be downloaded to MP3 and mobile devices, printed, shared via email and more 
  • FULL Text reference- PDF or HTML formats 
  • Translate articles into 23 languages, 34 user interfaces and 19 ReadSpeaker languages 
Content Producer: 
Latest renewal: GVRL eBooks Offer 2016-2017