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AccessScience is an authoritative and dynamic online resource that contains incisively written, high-quality reference material that covers all major scientific disciplines. An award-winning gateway to scientific knowledge, it offers links to primary research material, videos and exclusive animations, plus specially designed curriculum maps for teachers. With these and other online features, AccessScience is continually expanding the ways it can demonstrate and explain core, trustworthy scientific information in a way that inspires and guides users to deeper knowledge.

AccessScience's dedicated editorial team is led by Sagan-Award-winner John Rennie and comprises more than 9000 scientists and engineers, including 42 Nobel-Prize winners as well as recipients of other major scientific prizes such as Franklin Institute Awards. With its roots in McGraw-Hill Education's world-famous scientific publishing program—encompassing the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology and the McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology—AccessScience draws on and continues a deep tradition of presenting rigorously vetted scientific knowledge and expertise in a way that is both engaging and easy to understand.

AccessScience includes:

  • More than 8,500 articles and Research Reviews covering all major scientific disciplines and encompassing the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology and the McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology
  • 115,000+ definitions from the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms
  • 3,000 biographies of well-known scientific figures
  • 18,000+ downloadable images and animations illustrating key topics
  • Engaging videos highlighting the life and work of award-winning scientists
  • Suggestions for further study and additional readings guide users to deeper understanding and research
  • Links to citable literature through DOIs help users continue their research using primary sources of information
  • Interactive citation generator saves time and effort when preparing papers
  • Curriculum maps tied to core content save time for educators
  • Mobile access allows easy, anytime access outside of institutional IP ranges

[From vendor]

Last updated: April 18, 2017

Multi-Consortial Note: 

This database is made available to BC ELN partner libraries through a national site licence negotiated by the Council of Atlantic University Libraries / Conseil des bibliothѐques universitaires de l'Atlantique (CAUL-CBUA) on behalf of Consortia Canada.

Content Producer: 