Ignacio Albarracin |
College of New Caledonia |
236.601.0863 |
albarracini1@cnc.bc.ca |
Billy Augustine |
Coquitlam College |
604.939.6633, ext. 263 |
baugustine@coquitlamcollege.com |
Darren Bernaerdt |
Langara College |
dbernaerdt@langara.ca |
Bogdan Bryja |
Kwantlen Polytechnic University |
604.599.2943 |
bogdan.bryja@kpu.ca |
Gregg Currie |
Selkirk College |
250.365.1263 / 1.888.953.1133 x21263 |
gcurrie@selkirk.ca |
Melinda Dewsbury |
Trinity Western University |
1.604.513.2121 ext. 3882 |
melindad@twu.ca |
Mitra Gorjipour |
Kwantlen Polytechnic University |
604.599.8824 |
mitra.gorjipour@kpu.ca |
Erin Howard |
Camosun College |
howarde@camosun.ca |
Roen Janyk |
Okanagan College |
250.762.5445 x.4660 |
RJanyk@okanagan.bc.ca |
Mark Jordan |
Simon Fraser University |
778.782.5753 |
mjordan@sfu.ca |
David Kirk |
Vancouver Community College |
604.871.7530 |
dkirk@vcc.ca |
Christopher Lindsay |
Thompson Rivers University |
250.371.5689 |
ChLindsay@tru.ca |
Shaun Longstreet |
College of the Rockies |
250.489.8293 x3685 |
slongstreet@cotr.bc.ca |
Patricia McClelland |
Northern Lights College |
cetlcoordinator@nlc.bc.ca |
Donna McGee-Thompson |
Simon Fraser University |
778-782-3294 |
dmcthomp@sfu.ca |
Erin McMichael |
Yukon University |
emcmichael@yukonu.ca |
Sue Morin |
College of the Rockies |
250.489.2751 x3407 |
smorin@cotr.bc.ca |
Alison Nussbaumer |
British Columbia Institute of Technology |
604-456-1059 |
anussbaumer@bcit.ca |
Steve Roe |
Alexander College |
604.435.5815 |
steve.roe@alexandercollege.ca |
Trish Rosseel |
Douglas College |
604-527-5182 |
rosseelt@douglascollege.ca |
Sandra Smith |
University of the Fraser Valley |
604-854-4516 |
sandra.smith@ufv.ca |
Craig Whitton |
North Island College |
250.724.8704 |
craig.whitton@nic.bc.ca |
Tracey Woodburn |
Coast Mountain College |
250.635.6511, ext. 5340 |
twoodburn@coastmountaincollege.ca |