Tania Alekson |
Capilano University |
604.986.1911 x2141 |
talekson@capilanou.ca |
Justin Anders |
Mount Royal University |
janders@mtroyal.ca |
Richard Arias-Hernandez |
University of British Columbia |
604.822.1458 |
richard.arias@ubc.ca |
Alberto Basurto Gomez |
Vancouver Community College |
604.443.8550 |
abasurtogomez@vcc.ca |
Stephen Blaeser |
Langara College |
604.323.5685 |
sblaeser@langara.ca |
Caja Blomley |
Kwantlen Polytechnic University |
caja.blomley@kpu.ca |
Geoffrey Boyd |
University of Northern British Columbia |
250.960.6179 |
Geoffrey.Boyd@unbc.ca |
Michel Castagne |
Capilano University |
604.986.1911 x2143 |
michelcastagne@capilanou.ca |
Renee Chalut |
Vancouver Public Library |
1.778.949.1074 |
renee.chalut@vpl.ca |
Michele Cook |
Coast Mountain College |
250.635.6511, local 5259 |
mcook@coastmountaincollege.ca |
Gregg Currie |
Selkirk College |
250.365.1263 / 1.888.953.1133 x21263 |
gcurrie@selkirk.ca |
Dan de Groot |
University of the Fraser Valley |
dan.degroot@ufv.ca |
James Fournie |
Vancouver Community College |
604.443.8519 |
jfournie@vcc.ca |
Hongxing Geng |
Athabasca University |
billg@athabascau.ca |
Susan Gibbs |
University of the Fraser Valley |
Susan.Gibbs@ufv.ca |
Gretchen Goertz |
Douglas College |
604.527.5168 |
goertzg@douglascollege.ca |
April Haddad |
Justice Institute of British Columbia |
604.528.5594 |
ahaddad@jibc.ca |
Sharon Hanna |
University of British Columbia |
250.807-9579 |
sharon.hanna@ubc.ca |
Maria Haubrich |
Red Deer Polytechnic |
403.357.3685 |
Maria.Haubrich@rdc.ab.ca |
Richard Hayman |
Mount Royal University |
rhayman@mtroyal.ca |
Christopher Hives |
Digitized Okanagan History |
250.807.9430 |
chris.hives@ubc.ca |
Paige Hohmann |
Digitized Okanagan History, University of British Columbia |
250.807.9716 |
paige.hohmann@ubc.ca |
Conrad Holmberg |
Athabasca University |
conradh@athabascau.ca |
Chris Hurst |
Brandon University |
Hurst@BrandonU.CA |
Elizabeth (Liz) Johnston |
University Canada West |
elizabeth.johnston@ucanwest.ca |
Young Joo |
Camosun College |
250-370-3611 |
jooy@camosun.ca |
Jill Klaponski |
North Shore Digital Libraries |
klaponskij@nvdpl.ca |
Carol Konkle |
University of the Fraser Valley |
604.504.7441 x4218 |
carol.konkle@ufv.ca |
Bronwyn Krause |
Selkirk College |
250.365.7292 Ext. 21449 |
bkrause@selkirk.ca |
Ken Laing |
Selkirk College |
250.365.1382 |
klaing@selkirk.ca |
Mimi Lam |
BC Historical Digitization Project |
604.827.3455 |
mimi.lam@ubc.ca |
Robbyn Lanning |
Camosun College |
250.370.3630 |
lanningr@camosun.ca |
Stacey Lee |
Brandon University |
204.727.7384 |
Lees@brandonu.ca |
Neil MacDonald |
North Shore Digital Libraries |
macdonaldn@nvdpl.ca |
Tim MacDonald |
Coast Mountain College |
250.624.6054 x5714 |
TMacdonald@Coastmountaincollege.ca |
Erin May |
Thompson Rivers University |
250.377.6055 |
emay@tru.ca |
Francine May |
Mount Royal University |
fmay@mtroyal.ca |
Karen Meijer-Kline |
Kwantlen Polytechnic University |
604-599-2978 |
Karen.Meijer-Kline@kpu.ca |
Cari Merkley |
Mount Royal University |
cmerkley@mtroyal.ca |
Cortney Newton |
College of the Rockies |
250.489.8288 |
cnewton@cotr.bc.ca |
Jennifer O'Donnell |
North Shore Digital Libraries |
odonnellj@nvdpl.ca |
Hui-Hui Ou |
University of the Fraser Valley |
Hui-Hui.Ou@ufv.ca |
Brenda Philip |
University of the Fraser Valley |
604.504.7441 x 4191 |
brenda.philip@ufv.ca |
Yvonne Phillips |
Red Deer Polytechnic |
403.356.4855 |
Yvonne.phillips@rdpolytech.ca |
Michael Purcell |
Thompson Rivers University |
250.828.5021 |
mpurcell@tru.ca |
Meaghan Rafferty |
Langara College |
604.323.5467 |
mrafferty@langara.ca |
Mike Rauschenberger |
Coast Mountain College |
877.277.2288, ext. 5705 / 877.277.2288, ext. 5714 |
mrauschenberger@coastmountaincollege.ca |
Nicoletta Romano |
University Canada West |
1.877.431.6887 |
nicoletta.romano@ucanwest.ca |
Todd Rowlatt |
Vancouver Community College |
604.443.8652 |
trowlatt@vcc.ca |
Larry Schwartz |
Athabasca University |
lshwartz@athabascau.ca |