Pricing is now available for Statista. Currently, BC ELN receives a 27.5% pricing discount due to the number of participating institutions across several consortia.
The offer is for Statista with Expert Tools, which includes the International module. The offer also includes the Global Consumer Survey (GCS) and new this year, the eCommerce Database (ECDB) as a separately priced add-on module.
The pricing model is the same as last year. In the 2019/20 renewal year, Statista was no longer available without the Expert Tools module (formerly called DMO/CMO). Previously these two collections were optional add ons. To facilitate a gradual increase in pricing for those susbcribers who did not have the Expert Tools (DMO/CMO) in 2019/20, stepped pricing was introduced. This is the third year of the stepped approach which will bring all subscribers to the consortial price over the course of the four years of this deal. To facilitate this process, the pricing increase for non-stepped subscribers will be held at 2% per year for the four years of the deal.
Statista has agreed to include an opt-out clause in the licence, so subscribers can cancel their susbcription at any point over the license term. Detailed pricing is below.
New this year: Partner libraries have an option for eCommerce Database (ECDB) subscription add on. Full details, including pricing are below. There is a flyer introducing the product available in supporting documentation below.