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Statista Renewal 2021-2022

Response Deadline: 
January 10, 2022

Subscription Term


February 1, 2022


January 31, 2023

Pricing is now available for Statista. Currently, BC ELN receives a 27.5% pricing discount due to the number of participating institutions across several consortia.  

The offer is for Statista with Expert Tools, which includes the International module. The offer also includes the Global Consumer Survey (GCS) and new this year, the eCommerce Database (ECDB) as a separately priced add-on module. 

The pricing model is the same as last year. In the 2019/20 renewal year, Statista was no longer available without the Expert Tools module (formerly called DMO/CMO).  Previously these two collections were optional add ons. To facilitate a gradual increase in pricing for those susbcribers who did not have the Expert Tools (DMO/CMO) in 2019/20, stepped pricing was introduced. This is the third year of the stepped approach which will bring all subscribers to the consortial price over the course of the four years of this deal.  To facilitate this process, the pricing increase for non-stepped subscribers will be held at 2% per year for the four years of the deal. 

Statista has agreed to include an opt-out clause in the licence, so subscribers can cancel their susbcription at any point over the license term. Detailed pricing is below.


New this year: Partner libraries have an option for eCommerce Database (ECDB) subscription add on. Full details, including pricing are below. There is a flyer introducing the product available in supporting documentation below.





Statista is one of the leading statistics companies on the internet. With a team of over 450 statisticians, database experts, analysts, and editors, Statista provides users with an innovative and intuitive tool for researching quantitative data, statistics and related information. The product is aimed at business clients and academics of any size. Consultant firms and media agencies license our services as well as strategy and marketing departments in large corporations from a variety of industries. Our client base includes a wide range of globally active companies and premier academic institutions. Since the launch of the platform in 2008, more than 1,000,000 users have registered with Statista.

To provide our clients with responsive, accurate and specialized data they have come to expect from Statista, we work closely with market leaders in the research sector in addition to specialist institutions. Our strategic partners in the United States include the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and the American Association of Advertising Agencies (4 A’s). Our media partners include, Business Insider, Wall Street Journal, The Independent and Forbes.

The Expert Tools include: 


  • Global comparison tool – 150 countries worldwide (roughly 79% of global GDP)
  • portrays the 17 most important consumer markets
  • 155 product segments
  • examines the most relevant KPIs of each market
  • Revenue, Revenue per capita, Volume of sales, Volume of sales per capita, Unit price, Global comparison, market indicators


  • Global comparison tool – 150+ international countries & regions (90% of worldwide economic power + 78% of global internet population)
  • 9 digital verticals with 36 segments
  • explains what is behind markets related to buzzwords like Smart Home, FinTech or Connected Car, etc
  • provides forecasts about the individual market trends
  • Revenue trends, User trends, ARPU (Average revenue per user), Global comparison, Market indicators


  • Mobility Market Outlook presents the key figures from the world of automotive and mobility
  • Passenger cars in 12 car classes, over 80 major makes and 27 countries
  • Connected cars in 3 major categories in 50 countries
  • Sales, revenues, prices, and brands
  • Market insights, forecasts and indicators


  • More than 150 countries, over 70 KPIs, six segments, one interactive tool. 
  • The interactive tool gives you extensive insights of a country’s most relevant KPIs at a glance. 


  • Extensive data sets (digital economy + consumer goods)
  • Templates for market modeling (external perspective) and business cases (internal perspective)
  • Feasible costs and benefits breakdown
  • Individual starting date, three currencies
  • Pitchdeck template


  • Provides information on over 40,000 stock listed and private companies worldwide
  • Company information
  • Key company metrics
  • Profitability metrics
  • Key stock performance metrics (for listed companies)
  • Competitor analyses
  • Contact details 


  • Over 2,000,000 studies, reports and scholarly documents from the web
  • Nine advanced filter options
  • Scholarly publication with no paywalls

There are add-on modules for Statista:

  • Global Consumer Survey (GCS) - Offers a global perspective on consumption and media usage, covering the offline and online world of the consumer. It is designed to help marketers, planners, and product managers understand consumer behavior and consumer interactions with brands.
  • Corporate eCommerce Database (ECDB) - provides detailed information for 20,000 stores in 50 countries, including detailed revenue analytics, competitor analysis, market development, marketing budget, and interesting KPIs, such as traffic, shipping providers, payment options, social media activity and many more. Includes:
    Store profiles - Analyze online stores. Provides more than 20,000 international store profiles with detailed revenue information by category and country. Get instant access to over 30 key performance indicators per store.
    Store Rankings - Compare eCommerce markets. Understand international markets by identifying market leaders and fast-growing online stores. The stores analyzed by us represent 95% of the worldwide eCommerce revenues. See how they compare to the overall market. Our data tool provides you with an easy way to compare similar stores.

Alumni Access (add on)

  • Unlimited number of alumni 75 download limit per person for life of the account.
  • Premium access only (access to statistics only)
  • 1 Dossier (compilation of statistics on a topic) or DossierPlus (same as Dossier, but with more editorial content and an executive summary from experts focused on a trending topic)
  • Must have designated College/University alumni email
  • Username/Password access

[From vendor]

Technical Issues:  please email the vendor at and copy the BC ELN agreement lead.

Last updated: December 11, 2021


Response Instructions

To JOIN, CANCEL or ADD THE GLOBAL CONSUMER SURVEY (GCS), libraries should contact BC ELN by the response deadline.


Terms & Conditions

Additional Information
