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SAGE Evidence Based Acquisition Program Renewal 2020-2021

Response Deadline: 
December 1, 2020

Subscription Term


January 1, 2021


December 31, 2021

Pricing is now available for Sage EBA program. This is a perpetual access offer brought to you in partnership with COPPUL and TAL. 

If you participated in the EBA offer last year, this is NOT an automatic renewal. If you wish to participate again this year, please contact BC ELN. Currently, there is a 10% discount on purchases based on COPPUL/TAL/BC ELN total commitments. 

There are over 5,500 titles for 2020 (title list included with this renewal/offer). 

eBook subject collections are also available for purchase separately. Pricing and title lists for these collections available upon request. Please contact BC ELN if interested. 


SAGE EBA eBook Webinar

Join David Conkling on November 18 11 AM PT/2 PM ET for an overview of the SAGE Evidence Based Acquisition Offer.


Updates for 2020-2021

  • New ramp-up tiered pricing; renewing schools prices will be lower due to the new tier structure
  • New joiners start at the tier below their FTE level for the first 2 years of participation. Year 3 forward, they will be at their correct tier pricing.
  • Pricing will be held flat for the next 3 years 2021, 2022, 2023. Schools do not commit for the 3 years – still an annual renewal


Sage Knowledge
IP Authentication
Remote Access
Unlimited Authorized Users

Additional Information


Frequently Asked Questions

Is it entirely evidence based, or do we pay with each access, or after a certain number of accesses?

Your library will pre-pay funds and SAGE will provide the library with access to the Complete SAGE Knowledge Collection Books, Reference and Navigator (5,000 + titles) for a period of 12 months. After that period, your library will choose which titles to own in perpetuity up to amount of your pre-paid fund. Your library also has the option to apply your pre-paid fund to eBook and eReference Collections.


If we purchase at the end, do we pay list price, discounted price, or some other arrangement?

You pay the initial pre-paid fund minimum based on your institution’s FTE. Then, at your time of selection after the trial, COPPUL, BC ELN and TAL members will be provided a 10% discount on each title.  If you reach the volume-based discount, your buying power is increased by achieving higher discounts.


How long do we have to make our choices after the term ends?

You have 30 days from the term end date.


If we do not wish to spend all the committed money, will it roll over?

No, all funds must be spent.


Are there ongoing access fees to continue to access the collection, and will they increase over time?  Is there a cap on fees?

SAGE Knowledge hosting fees are $25/title, maxing at $500 annually.  During the 12 month access period no hosting fees will be charged.  Once you have selected titles to own with your pre-paid fund, the SAGE Knowledge annual hosting fee will be assessed.  For purchases made from January to June, the hosting fee is assessed in the beginning of the following year.  For purchases made from July-December, the hosting fee is assessed in the beginning of the year after next.  For example, if you make your EBA titles selections in July of 2019, you will not be charged the hosting fee until Jan-Feb 2021.  If you made your selections in May of 2019, you will be charged your hosting fee in Jan-Feb of 2020.


How long would it take to set up?  

Once the order is placed with SAGE, an order form is sent to COPPUL, BC ELN or TAL that discusses general terms and conditions. COPPUL, BC ELN or TAL will then sign this order form on the library’s behalf.  Once this is signed and returned to SAGE, access is then granted to begin on the official day of the EBA Program start date. 


What are the DRM issues? Can multiple people use? 

All SK eBook and eReference content is DRM free at the chapter level.


What if we have already purchased a copy of a book (either print or electronic)?   Can these be “removed” from the package? 

SAGE suggests leaving all titles and once you begin the selection process then choose whether you would want to buy a title or not. The usage report that SAGE prepares for you will notate whether you have previously purchased a particular title direct from SAGE in the past.  


How often are new titles added to SAGE Knowledge? Or is it a one-time set collection?

Titles are added throughout the year, 200-250 on average. Your library will gain access to all titles that release to the platform in the calendar year in which your EBA program began.  For this EBA’s that will begin on August 15th, 2018, each member will gain access to all titles that release to the collection through the 2018 calendar year. 


Does the package include CQ Press titles?

It sure does! The title list for the EBA collection can be found on the second tab of the price list adjoining this proposal.  Please filter column I to only CQ Press titles.  The SAGE Knowledge Complete Collection of Books, Reference and Navigator 2018 (EBA Collection) includes all CQ Press titles with the exception of 4: Political Handbook of the World, Politics in America, Supreme Court Yearbook, CQ Almanac.


Could we get usage reports quarterly, so we could begin thinking about our selection options?

Absolutely. You can pull usage reports monthly or quarterly from Secure Center. If you need any assistance with doing so, please contact your Account Support Representative, Caroline Dresler at

If you wish to receive a customized usage report that includes price per title, ownership of titles, etc. please send your request to Caroline Drexler at


How will the EBA work when access to the complete SK Collection is granted?  How will the collection coincide with our already owned content?  Or will this trial be on a separate access point? 

This will not be on a separate access point. The titles will coincide with your owned content on the SAGE Knowledge Platform.


In usage reporting, can we somehow show titles that our library already owns? 

We do not provide this option from the COUNTER reports that are available through SecureCenter, however we can and will create this for you manually, any time you’d like.  Simply email your Sales Manager, Caroline Drexler, and she will have the usage report customized for your holdings. 

Does SAGE provide dark archiving of your content?

Yes we do.  Our content is archived in Portico and CLOCKSS

What marketing assistance is available?

Training and implementation options including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Step-by-step checklists to walk you through product cataloging to make your content discoverable
  • Creation of custom user guides that promote SAGE products to faculty to stimulate usage and illustrate how to incorporate these research tools into course work and the classroom.
  • A welcome kit of user guides, posters, and bookmarks to help you promote the product to end users
  • Email announcements to faculty on your campus in relevant departments
  • Ongoing communications to librarians and faculty with tips & tricks and information about new content or platform features
  • A commitment to two webinars for librarians and faculty with one of our trainers who are former librarians


Questions? Contact: 
Reba Ouimet