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RDA Toolkit Renewal 2021-2022

Response Deadline: 
October 15, 2021

Subscription Term


November 1, 2021


October 31, 2022

This is the second year BC ELN is offering the RDA Toolkit, an integrated, browser-based, online product that allows users to interact with a collection of cataloging-related documents and resources, including RDA: Resource Description and Access. There is no increase in pricing for this renewal.

This offer covers a subscription to the RDA Toolkit only---it does not include other ALA offerings (e.g. learning and support programs). This is not a multi-year agreement, but in anticipation of renewals, ALA have committed to a 3% cap on fee increases for 2022-2023. Institutions with an LIS program who subscribe to RDA Toolkit separately are welcome to share this offer with the LIS program who are also eligible to participate in the ConCan offer. Two separate subscriptions (library and LIS program) can be arranged.


LIS/LIT Programs 

LIS/LIT programs continue to benefit from stable pricing via ConCan as ALA has a pricing increase planned for LIS subscribers. Please contact BC ELN directly for pricing if interested.



RDA Toolkit is an integrated, browser-based, online product that allows users to interact with a collection of cataloging-related documents and resources including RDA: Resource Description and keyword searching all documents; the ability to create, store, and share personal and local cataloging documents; and an unlimited number of profiles that allow individual users to set and save personal preferences. It includes:

  • RDA instructions in English, French, Finnish, German, Italian, and Spanish that are searchable and browsable
  • AACR2 Rule Number Search of RDA instructions through the Advanced Search menu
  • Workflows and other procedural documentation that is created by subscribers and can be shared within an organization or with the entire community of subscribers
  • Mappings of RDA to different schemas, including MARC 21
  • Two views of RDA content—by table of contents and by element set
  • Full text of AACR2
  • Policy statements from the several national libraries including the Library of Congress, British Library, and Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
  • Music Library Association Best Practices (MLA BP)
  • Examples of RDA Cataloging
  • What you need to evaluate and implement RDA; to make cataloging decisions based on principles; to increase efficiency; to facilitate collaboration; and to help position the community for the future by making bibliographic data accessible on the Web

[From vendor]

Last updated: October 1, 2020


Response Instructions

To JOIN libraries should contact BC ELN by the response deadline.

Terms & Conditions
