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Project MUSE Journal Collection Renewal 2018-2019

Response Deadline: 
October 15, 2018

Subscription Term


January 1, 2019


December 31, 2019

Renewal pricing is now available for Project MUSE. This database is made available to BC ELN partner libraries through a national site license, negotiated on behalf of Consortia Canada by The Alberta Library (TAL).

Pricing for MUSE's Premium Collection has increased by 5%, with a 3% or under increase on the other five MUSE journal collections. The vendor has maintained their 10% discount for consortia, as well as a 6.5% discount applied at the time of invoicing.


From the vendor:

Additional Journals for 2019

MUSE is pleased to announce 12 new journals confirmed to join our online collections for 2019, with at least three more expected to be confirmed shortly.  The new titles grow our holdings across several core MUSE subject areas, including religious studies, literature, Asian studies, and media studies. A list of all new journals confirmed to date, along with other collection content updates, may be found at



Project MUSE is a leading provider of digital humanities and social science content for the scholarly community around the world.

For more than 25 years, Project MUSE has been the trusted and reliable source of complete, full-text versions of scholarly journals from many of the world's leading universities and scholarly societies. Currently, Project MUSE has over 700 journals from 125 publishers and offers nearly 70,000 books from more than 140 presses. All books are fully integrated with Project MUSE's scholarly journal content, with collection and single title purchasing, subscription, OA books/MUSE Open and evidence-based acquisition models available.

There are 6 different collections available:

Premium Collection: The Premium Collection is MUSE's foremost collection of high quality, peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journals and is designed for institutions acquiring comprehensively in the humanities and social sciences. It offers internationally respected scholarly journals that support the collection development and research needs of major research institutions. All new collection titles added each year to MUSE become part of the Premium Collection, making it the most comprehensive collection offered by MUSE, and the corresponding annual price increase will reflect the number and nature of new titles added.

Standard Collection: The Standard Collection is an interdisciplinary collection of high quality, peer reviewed journals designed for institutions acquiring extensively in the humanities and social sciences. It offers institutions the interdisciplinary content consistent with their collection development needs yet ensures controlled annual growth. It is a subset of the Premium Collection, and new titles may be added selectively each year, offering controlled growth reflected in modest annual price increases.

Basic Research Collection: The Basic Research Collection is an interdisciplinary collection designed for institutions acquiring extensively in the humanities and social sciences. It offers a fundamental collection of interdisciplinary journals, with titles added to this collection chosen based on a number of criteria, including the journal's presence in appropriate high quality indexes, inclusion in archival collections, and current usage in MUSE. It is a more limited subset of the Premium Collection, and the controlled number of journals, conservative growth and modest annual price increases make it an appropriate collection for institutions with limited budgets.

Basic College Collection: The Basic College Collection is designed for four and two year colleges acquiring selectively in the humanities and social sciences. Titles added to this collection are chosen based on a number of criteria, including the journal's presence in appropriate high quality indexes, inclusion in archival collections, and current usage in MUSE. It is the smallest interdisciplinary subset of the Premium Collection and grows modestly in size and price from year to year.

Humanities Collection: The Humanities Collection is designed for institutions acquiring extensively in the humanities. It provides a highly relevant set of peer-reviewed research journals for art schools, museums, performing arts organizations, film schools, and related institutions. Of the new titles added to MUSE each year, the best of those with a clear humanities focus are added to this collection. It is a subset of the Premium Collection. A very small number of interdisciplinary journals are included in both the Humanities Collection and the Social Sciences Collection.

Social Sciences Collection: The Social Sciences Collection is a designed for institutions acquiring extensively in the social sciences. Building on MUSE's strengths in international relations and in aspects of political science and economics, this collection is designed to meet the needs of special libraries such as thinktanks, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, research institutes, and related organizations. Of the new titles added to MUSE each year, the best of those with a clear social science focus are added to this collection. It is a subset of the Premium Collection. A very small number of interdisciplinary journals are included in both the Humanities Collection and the Social Sciences Collection.

[From vendor]

Last updated: September 22, 2021


Response Instructions

To RENEW, no response is required from current subscribers as listed above. To JOIN, CANCEL or CHANGE OPTIONS, libraries should contact BC ELN by the response deadline.

NOTE: New subscribers should contact BC ELN as soon as possible to obtain their tier assignment.

Terms & Conditions

Additional Information

From the vendor:

Recently Launched: Redesigned MUSE Web Site

In June 2018, Project MUSE released a newly redesigned website. Among the exciting features available in the new design are content footnotes and references presented “in-line” with the associated text in a journal article or books chapter, a streamlined search experience with additional facets for book series and thematic journal issues, a highly responsive design to meet a variety of device options, and the launch of personalized “MyMUSE” accounts that allow users customize their research experience on MUSE.

The URL structure for all book and journal content in MUSE remains the same and there is no need for redirects or updates to DOI links, no impact on institutional usage statistics, nor any need to update proxy configurations.

New Library Administrative Portal

Shortly, we will formally launch a new library administrative portal, offering one-stop access to a number of useful tools for libraries to manage their MUSE holdings. Along with our standard COUNTER usage statistics reports, library customers will be able to download customized metadata (MARC records, KBART, title lists) for all their MUSE products, along with metadata for open access content on MUSE if desired. They will also be able to submit IP address changes, updates to Open URL and proxy settings, and request changes to how their name is displayed to users on our website. The system is already in use by some subscribers for usage statistics reporting, and will be announced to all customers this month.

Project MUSE offers nearly 300 "HTML5" open access books on redesigned platform

Nearly 300 open access (OA) books are now available from Project MUSE, the highly-acclaimed online collection of humanities and social science scholarship, on a newly designed platform that represents a major step forward in OA publishing in these fields.  The books will be delivered in a highly-discoverable and adaptable format using user-friendly HTML5, rather than static PDFs, and will include titles from Johns Hopkins University Press, Cornell University Press, Duke University Press, University of Hawai'i Press, University of Michigan Press, Syracuse University Press, The MIT Press, and Temple University Press. "This really represents the next chapter in OA publishing for MUSE and our university press collaborators," said Wendy Queen, Director of Project MUSE, "and we’re thrilled to have so many important works available open access on MUSE in such a flexible, useful format. Thanks to the 'MUSE Open' grant from the Mellon Foundation these titles are now available on a much improved MUSE platform and available for free to readers worldwide."