Renewal pricing is now available for Project MUSE. This database is made available to BC ELN partner libraries through a national site license, negotiated on behalf of Consortia Canada by The Alberta Library (TAL).
Pricing for MUSE's Premium Collection has increased by 5% and pricing for the other collections has increased by 2-4%.
Changes to the Pricing Model
MUSE's plans to adjust its journal collection pricing model has been deferred until next year. According to the vendor:
In recognition of ongoing pressures on library budgets and the global economy, we have once again moderated our price increases to the lowest possible levels while still allowing for the growth of content on MUSE and necessary development and support of the platform to ensure we continue to meet industry standards and customer expectations. With over 600 high-quality scholarly journals now available on our platform, and the addition since 2012 of more than 35,000 university and scholarly press books, MUSE has effectively the same staffing levels as we did five years ago, and continues to return the vast majority of our revenue (over 75%) to our participating not-for-profit publishers, allowing them to remain viable and independent.
Upcoming New Titles
From the vendor:
MUSE is pleased to announce that to date 9 new journals have been confirmed to join our collections in 2016, and we expect that number to double once all new additions are under contract. The new titles grow our holdings across many core MUSE subject areas, including literature, history, philosophy, and international relations. A list of all new journals confirmed to date, along with other collection content updates, may be found at
A full list of journals with complete runs in MUSE is available at