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Project Muse eBooks Purchase Offer 2019-2020

Response Deadline: 
February 26, 2020

Subscription Term


January 1, 2020


December 31, 2020

BC ELN partner libraries can purchase many of the Project Muse ebook collections through BC ELN for a consortial discount of 10% and an additional 6.5% applied when the consortial invoice is prepared. By the end of 2020, there will be over 60,000 ebooks from over 120 scholarly presses. This offer is available through Consortia Canada and negotiated by The Alberta Library (TAL).

This offer is unusual in that Project MUSE expects that most ebook purchases will require a facilitated ordering process with MUSE staff to help libraries acquire the best content to meet their needs. There is some content overlap between collections that libraries should be aware of before placing an order, as MUSE will not adjust pricing due to content overlap. Libraries are asked to consult with MUSE directly before making a purchase decision. However, the actual order must come from BC ELN to qualify for consortial discounts.

The MUSE contact for libraries is Doug Storm: / 217-823-0286.



Project MUSE
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Additional Information

More details about Project MUSE books, including title lists for all book collections, are available on the vendor's website.