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Oxford Reference Premium Renewal 2021-2022

Response Deadline: 
August 13, 2021

Subscription Term


July 1, 2021


June 30, 2022

Renewal pricing is now available for the Oxford Reference Premium. These databases are made available to BC ELN partner libraries through a national site licence negotiated on behalf of Consortia Canada by the Ontario Council of University Libraries. A 1% increase was negotiated for this renewal.

Pricing was very late to come out due to ongoing negotiations. The licensing term will remain July 1 - June 30. Any new subscriber to a product will be prorated for a 11 month period to bring them in line with the license. 


Additional Information

Use statistics can be obtained by using your institution login on the admin module for OUP. Statistics have been provided by OUP for May 2019-April 2020; contact BC ELN for access.

Questions? Contact: 
BC ELN Licensing Team