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Oxford Reference Premium Renewal 2016-2017
Subscription Term
July 1, 2016Ends:
June 30, 2017Overview
Oxford Reference is the premier online reference product, spanning 25 different subject areas, bringing together 2 million digitized entries across Oxford University Press’s Dictionaries, Companions and Encyclopedias, as well as a critical selection of scholarly works from our publishing partners.These major reference titles are available to access online exclusively through Oxford Reference.
In addition, Oxford Reference provides full access to 300,000 overview pages defining each unique term in Oxford Reference and 270 historic timelines organized by period, area, and theme.
[From vendor]
Updated: January 11, 2021
Usage Statistics
Subscriber Details
Response Instructions
For any NEW subscriptions to Oxford Quick Reference, or Oxford Reference Online Premium the library can receive immediate access to the product. In other words, the library will receive more than a month of access for free. New subscribers should contact the BC ELN Office as soon as possible to arrange for access.
To RENEW, no response is required from the following institutions:
- Camosun College - ORO - Unlimited
- Emily Carr University of Art and Design - ORO - 1 SU
- Kwantlen Polytechnic University - ORO - 5 SU
- North Island College - OQR - Unlimited
- Okanagan College - ORO - Unlimited
- Quest University - ORO - Unlimited
- Simon Fraser University - ORO - 5 SU
- Trinity Western University - ORO - 1 SU
- University of the Fraser Valley - ORO - 5 SU
- University of British Columbia - ORO - 5 SU
- University of Victoria - ORO - 5 SU
- Vancouver Island University - ORO - 5 SU
To JOIN, CANCEL, to CHANGE PRODUCT CONFIGURATION, libraries should contact BC ELN by Friday, May 27, 2016.