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Oxford Dictionaries Online Renewal 2020-2021

Response Deadline: 
June 25, 2020

Subscription Term


July 1, 2020


June 30, 2021

Renewal pricing is now available for the Oxford Dictionaries. This dictionary is made available to BC ELN partner libraries through a national site licence negotiated on behalf of Consortia Canada by the Ontario Council for University Libraries. In 2016, Oxford Dictionaries transitioned to a different model where institutions could choose which languages they licensed rather than having them bundled. The Oxford Dictionaries offer from OUP is available in 9 different languages. Pricing is dependent on number of languages chosen.

Flat pricing was negotiated for the renewal this year. For any NEW subscriptions, the library can receive immediate access to the product. New subscribers should contact the BC ELN Office as soon as possible to arrange for access.




IP Authentication
Remote Access
Unlimited Authorized Users

Additional Information

Use statistics can be obtained by using your institution login on the admin module for OUP. Statistics have been provided by OUP for May 2019-April 2020; contact BC ELN for access.