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Oxford Dictionaries Online Renewal 2019-2020
Subscription Term
July 1, 2019Ends:
June 30, 2020Overview
Oxford Dictionaries, now called Oxford Languages, has the mission to unlock the power of language for learning and for life. Oxford Languages has developed beyond the role of a traditional dictionary publisher, providing language content in more versatile and accessible formats for building and sharing language knowledge worldwide.
All of Oxford Languages’ content aims to describe, rather than prescribe, the way languages are used by people around the world. We take an evidence-based approach to language content creation, looking at real examples of the ways words are used in context to provide an accurate picture of a language.
To gather this evidence, we have a world-class language research programme that utilizes big data technologies to continuously monitor language development in real time.
Our corpora – massive collections of spoken and written language data – track and record the very latest language developments across an enormous variety of publications, covering everything from specialist journals to newspapers to social media posts. Our expert team of lexicographers source all of our descriptive sentence examples from our vast language databases to provide accurate and meaningful descriptions of words in use.
All of our content, sourced via corpora and community initiatives alike, is the result of continuous research and review as we seek to document and describe new language developments as they unfold, providing the world’s most trusted language content.
[From vendor]
Last updated: May 18, 2020
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Response Instructions
For any NEW subscriptions, the library can receive immediate access to the product. New subscribers should contact the BC ELN Office as soon as possible to arrange for access.
To RENEW, no response is required from current subscribers as listed below. To CANCEL or to CHANGE OPTIONS, libraries should contact BC ELN by the response deadline.