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National Geographic Virtual Library Renewal 2015-2016

Response Deadline: 
December 15, 2015

Subscription Term


January 1, 2016


December 31, 2016

Our apologies for the late renewal notice. Clarification from the vendor was needed and so prevented renewal pricing being sent out earlier.

The Gale products are made available to BC ELN partner libraries through a national site license negotiated on behalf of Consortia Canada by The Alberta Library (TAL). The vendor has revised the subscription options and pricing tiers.

The new subscription options are:

  1. National Geographic Magazine Archive, 1888-1994 + National Geographic Magazine Archive, 1995-Current
  2. National Geographic Magazine Archive, 1888-1994 + National Geographic Magazine Archive, 1995-Current + National Geographic: People, Animals, and the World
  3. National Geographic Magazine Archive, 1888-1994 + National Geographic Magazine Archive, 1995-Current + National Geographic: People, Animals, and the World + National Geographic Kids

Current subscribers have the option of continuing with their subscription at the same cost or upgrading to one of the new options.


Two new products are on offer for subscription this year:

  1. National Geographic: People, Animals, and the World (PAW)
  2. National Geographic Kids


National Geographic dedicated platform
IP Authentication
Remote Access
Unlimited Access

Additional Information

Subscription Information:

Changes have been made to the National Geographic offer. This year, all products are available for subscription only. New subscribers can no longer purchase the Archive.

Grandparented pricing applies to partner libraries that purchased the Archive in previous years. Current subscribers have perpetual access to the content and continue to pay an annual hosting fee.

There are three different subscription options available:

  1. Archive + Current
  2. Archive + Current + PAW
  3. Archive + Current + PAW + Kids