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National Film Board CAMPUS Renewal 2015-2016

Response Deadline: 
April 20, 2015

Subscription Term


May 1, 2015


December 31, 2015

Pricing is now available for National Film Board CAMPUS. With the move to a Consortia Canada license, per-FTE prices have not increased this year, while minimum and maximum prices have decreased. Increases in 2016 will be under 1.5%.


April 2 - Billing update:
A question was asked about how the term change will affect invoicing. Institutions that subscribe to both terms (May-December 2015, and January-December 2016) will be invoiced for the full 20 months in the 2015/16 fiscal year. The pricing table has been updated to show the total cost for the fiscal year.

ConCan transition
NFB is being transitioned to a Consortia Canada license. This brings the following changes:

  • Lower minimum price
  • Lower maximum prices
  • Stable per-FTE price
  • Lower increases year-to-year
  • More useful and comprehensive usage statistics
  • Two-year commitment to pricing

The ConCan license term is different from the BC ELN term, meaning that subscribing libraries will receive prorated pricing to the end of the term in December 2015.

Libraries will be asked to commit in principle to a two-year term.


NFB/ONF dedicated platform
IP Authentication
Remote Access
Unlimited Access

Additional Information


Statistics will be released quarterly.

MARC Records:

MARC records are available to subscribing institutions.

Questions? Contact: 
Brandon Weigel