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Literary Research Package Renewal 2018-2019

Response Deadline: 
October 31, 2018

Subscription Term


December 1, 2018


November 30, 2019

Pricing for the Literary Research Package offer is now available. The Literary Research Package (LRP) replaces and expands the previous Literature Resource Center license at no additional charge. There are no increases to the cost of LRP this year.

The Literary Research Package includes:

  1. Literature Resource Center
  2. Artemis Literary Sources
  3. Select Gale Virtual Reference Library titles

Three different collections are being offerred in upgrade options:

  1. Twayne's Authors Online
  2. Scribner Writers Online
  3. LitFinder

See pricing section below for more details.


IP Authentication
Remote Access
Unlimited Authorized Users

Additional Information

MARC Records:

MARC Records can be accessed through Gale Admin.

More information about MARC records is available on the vendor's website.