Pricing for the Literary Research Package offer is now available. The Literary Research Package replaces and expands the previous Literature Resource Center license at no additional charge.
The Literary Research Package includes:
Three upgrade options are available for purchase with the Literary Research Package:
A live Artemis training webinar is available for partner libraries on Friday, December 11, 2015 at 1:30 pm.
To register for the training session:
Once the host approves your registration, you will receive a confirmation email message with instructions on how to join the event.
Late subscribers are welcome and will be pro-rated to the common renewal date.
Supporting Documentation:
Available at the Gale Literature Collections website.
Title Lists:
Gale Cengage product title lists are available at:
MARC Records:
MARC Records can be accessed through Gale Admin.
More information about MARC records is available on the vendor's website.