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GVRL eBooks Offer 2015-2016

Response Deadline: 
March 6, 2015

This Gale special year-end offer allows BC ELN partner libraries a one time purchase of the Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) Humanities Collection. The collection is 50% off of list price. An annual hosting fee may apply in addition to the one-time purchase of the collection.


Gale Virtual Reference Library
Unlimited Authorized Users

Additional Information

Title Lists:

A full title list of the Humanities Collection is available at:

Perpetual Access:

The GVRL Humanities Collection is purchased with perpetual access rights. A hosting fee may apply.

Usage Statistics:

Usage statistics are available at the vendor's website.

To create a Gale account, email:

MARC Records:

MARC Records can be accessed through Gale Admin.

More information is available at: