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Grove Art Online & Grove Music Online Renewal 2019-2020

Response Deadline: 
June 21, 2019

Subscription Term


July 1, 2019


June 30, 2020

Renewal pricing is now available for Grove Art Online and Grove Music Online, also known as Oxford Art and Oxford Music. These databases are made available to BC ELN partner libraries through a national site licence negotiated on behalf of Consortia Canada by the Ontario Council of University Libraries. Pricing has increased roughly 3% from last year's costs.

For any NEW subscriptions, the library can receive immediate access to the product. New subscribers should contact the BC ELN Office as soon as possible to arrange for access.



Grove Art Online & Grove Music Online consist of two licensed resources: Grove Art Online and Grove Music Online.

Grove Art Online

Grove Art Online is the foremost scholarly art encyclopedia, covering both Western and non-Western art. First published as the landmark 34-volume Dictionary of Art, edited by Jane Turner, the content of Grove Art encompasses all aspects of visual culture. It features articles about topics as varied as Fauvism and Frida Kahlo, bibliographies for further research, and thousands of searchable images made available through Oxford’s partnerships with museums, galleries, and other outstanding arts organizations. Grove Art is a living resource, with scholars and specialists from around the world continually reviewing and updating existing content and contributing new articles. In addition to the vast number of entries on the visual arts, Grove Art features a host of exceptional learning resources that organize the content for use in art and art history classrooms, making Grove Art an essential source for scholars and students alike.

Grove Music Online

Grove Music Online has been the leading online resource for music research since its inception in 2001, a comprehensive compendium of music scholarship offering the full texts of The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd edition (2001), The New Grove Dictionary of Opera (1992), and The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, 2nd edition (2002), as well as numerous subsequent updates and emendations. Including more than 50,000 signed articles and 30,000 biographies contributed by over 6,000 scholars from around the world, Grove Music Online is the unsurpassed authority on all aspects of music.

[From vendor]

Updated: June 1, 2016


Response Instructions

For any NEW subscriptions, the library can receive immediate access to the product. New subscribers should contact the BC ELN Office as soon as possible to arrange for access.

To RENEW, no response is required from current subscribers as listed below. To CANCEL or to CHANGE OPTIONS, libraries should contact BC ELN by the response deadline.

Terms & Conditions

Additional Information

Further information on Grove Art Online can be located at

Further information on Grove Music Online can be located at
