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Films on Demand Renewal 2020-2021

Response Deadline: 
December 1, 2020

Subscription Term


January 1, 2021


December 31, 2021

Renewal pricing is now available for Films on Demand streaming video collections. Pricing has increased 1.5% over 2020. BC ELN continues to receive a 15% consortial discount which is included in the pricing below.



Films on Demand is offering a webinar to provide an overview of best practices for distance education and help you learn more about navigating the Films on Demand admin portal.

Date: November 10, 2020

Time: 11:00 AM PT / 2:00 PM ET 

Meeting Details

Via web (Zoom): 

Meeting ID: 225 769 5079
Passcode: r1Nc4z

Via phone:
Meeting ID: 225 769 5079
Passcode: 172564
Find your local number:

New for this renewal: Films on Demand now has a new Entertainment Collection (title list attached to this renewal) which is included free of charge for any institutions subscribing to the Master Academic Collection or the Humanities & Social Sciences Collection. 

Platform updates: A popular feature this year is the Films on Demand app. Films on Demand can now be viewed on any mobile device. Institutions should note that any usage on mobile devices is not tracked and not reflected in their usage stats.


Remote Access

Additional Information

A complete, searchable list of all videos currently available through Films On Demand is available here:

Films on Demand content is discoverable via EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS).

Questions? Contact: 
Reba Ouimet