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Feature Film Public Performance Rights - Criterion Renewal 2020-2021

Response Deadline: 
September 4, 2020

Subscription Term


October 1, 2020


September 30, 2021

Pricing is now available for the renewal for the Feature Film Public Performance Rights (PPR) license from Criterion.

The PPR licences include the following options:

  • For all institutions, Entertainment PPR to cover the showing of films on campus outside the classroom, e.g. a student club's movie night; and
  • For for-profit institutions only, Educational PPR to cover the showing of films in the classroom.

The Criterion PPR licences are separate from the Criterion on Demand streaming service. Participating in the one offering does not depend in any way on the other.

Additional Information

Rights FAQs:

See the Resource pages for detailed information on the performance rights:

Studios and Films Covered by the Criterion License:

See the Resource pages for links to title lists.

Questions? Contact: 
Brandon Weigel