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Feature Film Public Performance Rights - ACF Renewal 2018-2019

Response Deadline: 
September 20, 2018

Subscription Term


October 1, 2018


September 30, 2019

Pricing is now available for the renewal for the Feature Film Public Performance Rights (PPR) license from Audio-Cine Films (ACF).

The PPR licence includes the following options:

  • For all institutions, Entertainment PPR to cover the showing of films on campus outside the classroom, e.g. a student club's movie night; and
  • For for-profit institutions only, Educational PPR to cover the showing of films in the classroom.

Additional Information

Rights FAQs:

See the Resource pages for detailed information on the performance rights:

Studios and Films Covered by the ACF License:

See the Resource pages for links to title lists.

Questions? Contact: 
Brandon Weigel