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EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) Renewal 2019-2020
Subscription Term
July 1, 2019Ends:
June 30, 2020Overview
EBSCO Discovery Service is an all-inclusive search solution that makes in-depth research easy. The platform offers sophisticated features and functionality that anticipate user intent, helping them get to exactly what they are looking for quickly and easily.
Features and functionality include:
- Sophisticated Search — Rich metadata and superior relevance ranking technology
- Direct Access to Full Text — One-click access directly through the results list
- Intuitive Interface — Features and technology built on user research
- Superior Integrations — Apps and integrations with multiple platforms
- Exceptional Support — Set up and support from our highly skilled staff
[From vendor]
Last updated: April 25, 2020
Subscriber Details
Response Instructions
To RENEW, no response is required from current subscribers as listed above. To CANCEL or JOIN, libraries should contact BC ELN by the response deadline.
Late Subscribers
Pricing and Trial Access
User login
Terms & Conditions
Additional Information
EDS Negotiation Background
Partner libraries who subscribe to EDS are agreeing to the following:
- 1 Year License with a 3-Year Commitment - EBSCO has agreed to an annual license; however, to lock in these deep discounts, BC ELN negotiated a 3-year good faith commitment for participants, as has been the case in the past. Of course, in the case of economic emergencies, institutions may drop at the annual renewal with no penalty. July 1, 2019 represents the beginning of the 3rd year of this 3 year term.
- Price increases - Except for those institutions that joined EDS lin 2017/18 with "ramp up pring", BC ELN has negotiated that price increases for EDS subscribers will be 0% in 2018/19 and 2% this year 2019/2020.
Helpsheets and Testimonials
EBSCO has provided BC ELN partner libraries with a helpsheet that details some of the advantages of working with EDS.
A number of current EDS subscribers in BC, and across Canada, have submitted testimonials detailing their experience with the product.
Learn more about how these libraries are using EDS to facilitate discovery of information resources:
- Okanagan College
- University of the Fraser Valley
- MacEwan University
- Brock University
- University of PEI
We are aware that EBSCO and Innovative Interfaces, Inc. (III) have joined together to enable tightly-integrated access between EDS and Innovative's Encore Synergy discovery platform, where Encore is the front end system for EDS content. Please note, we have been told that those institutions wishing to work with III on integrated access between Encore and EDS must negotiate with III individually. Those institutions will therefore not be subscribing through BC ELN, nor will they be counted towards the participation discount.