Consortial pricing has been obtained for Academic Search Ultimate and Business Source Ultimate, optional upgrades to the BC ELN Common Suite.
This is the second of three years of the transitional 10% price increases.
The vendor's statement on the increase:
Academic Search Ultimate and Business Source Ultimate will see a transitional price increase due to an error made when providing upgrade pricing in 2017. In order to minimize the impact on current subscribers, the transitional pricing will be spread over the 3 years of the new Common Suite agreement. ASU and BSU continue to benefit from deeply discounted pricing based on the Common Suite makeup of Academic Search Complete and Business Source Complete.
Additionally, libraries interested in upgrading to ASU and/or BSU will have a simpler (and less expensive) path to upgrade as the Common Suite will now include both Completes. Previously libraries might have faced a double upgrade to subscribe to ASU or BSU. BC ELN members receive on average a 50% discount off standard upgrade costs. EBSCO is committed to providing BC ELN members with the best resources at the best possible prices.
Participation in the Common Suite required for theses Ultimate upgrade prices to apply.
- Academic Search Ultimate offers nearly 1,500+ unique Active Full Text, Non-Open Access Journals & Magazines not found in Academic Search Complete.
- Business Source Ultimate offers 900+ Active Full Text, Non-Open Access Journals & Magazines not found in Business Source Complete.
EBSCO has invited libraries that currently subscribe to an Ultimate product who are concerned about the increase to contact them.