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Call-out for Arca Discovery Layer Task Group
The Arca Advisory Committee is seeking expressions of interest from individuals wishing to participate on the Arca Discovery Layer Task Group.
Arca is a network of post-secondary digital repositories in the process of being built on the Islandora platform. Arca is expected to launch this fall with 7 early adopter institutions. Phase 2 of the project is development of a discovery layer enabling cross-repository search of not only Arca repositories, but other BC post-secondary digital repositories using other platforms.
The Arca Discovery Layer Task Group will identify goals and use cases for the discovery layer, investigate and evaluate possible solutions, and present a recommendation for a solution to the Arca Advisory Committee. For more information, draft Terms of Reference for the task group are available.
Task group members should be individuals with a high level of technical expertise and a system orientation. Work is expected to commence in October 2015 and continue through until March 2016. Meetings will take place virtually - no travel is anticipated.
The Arca Advisory Committee will approve membership to ensure a balanced task group representing the needs of participating institutions, with an eye to potential future use beyond the post-secondary sector.
Interested individuals are encouraged to contact the BC ELN Office by October 1st with their name, institution, position title and a statement of interest and relevant skills.
If you have any questions about the Discovery Layer Task Group, please contact Sunni Nishimura.