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BC ELN also produces online newsletters for the overall organization and for individual service areas (e.g. AskAway, Arca, etc.). See the menu at right to explore past issues.

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Image of the cover of the AskAway Actions & Achievements 2018 Report: A photo of a woman working on her laptop.

The AskAway Actions and Achievements 2018 is now available.

This year’s report features:

Burnaby, British Columbia - The British Columbia Electronic Library Network (BC ELN) is pleased to announce that LibraryH3lp has been selected as the new software platform to support AskAway, B.C.’s award-winning post-secondary chat reference service. Beginning May 13, 2019, students, educators, and researchers across the province will be able to access the AskAway service via LibraryH3lp.

Image of the cover of the Arca Actions & Achievements 2018 Report: A photo of a path winding through the forest.

Arca Actions & Achievements 2018 is now available!

In addition to highlights of the year and a financial breakdown, this year's report shares stories from our Arca community. Read about:

Image of the cover of the Innovation & Success 2018 Report: A photo of five students looking at a laptop in the library.

We invite you to read about BC ELN’s impact on the post-secondary sector and beyond in the Innovation & Success 2018 report, available at:

Provider neutral BC Legislative Library MARC records for September, October & November 2018 are now available for free download on the Legislative Library MARC Records page.

Questions? Contact:

Points to the Past

Grab a coffee and join us for a 30-minute webinar on Points to the Past!

Points to the Past ( is your gateway to a world-class collection of primary sources, made up of nearly 200 million pages of digitized historical content and available barrier-free to all of BC and Yukon.

The Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL) is seeking an Executive Director for an initial three-year term starting August 2019. Applications should be submitted on or before February 4.

See more at:



The 4th Quarter (up to December 12th) 2018 BC Open Textbook MARC records (full sets and additions in AACR2 and RDA) are now available: BC Open Textbook MARC Records

Questions? Contact Sunni Nishimura.

Dive into AskAway news with the AskAway Chat Box December 2018:

  • Reaching off-campus and distance students with chat reference
  • Spotlight on promotion with College of the Rockies Library
  • Improving AskAway visibility in EBSCO and ProQuest databases
  • Update on the AskAway software evaluation
  • And more!

Read the Chat Box December 2018

The 3rd Quarter (up to September 17th) 2018 BC Open Textbook MARC records (full sets and additions) are now available: BC Open Textbook MARC Records

Questions? Contact Sunni Nishimura.

CRKN has announced that as of January 1, 2019, 60 million pages of Canadian digital documentary heritage will be available at no charge to users. The Canadiana collections are the largest online collections of early textual Canadiana in the world. The removal of the subscription paywall will allow unimpeded access to this unique historical content for researchers, students, faculty, and all users in Canada and around the world.

Provider neutral BC Legislative Library MARC records for August 2018 are now available for free download on the Legislative Library MARC Records page.

Questions? Contact:

Image of the OutLook OnLine October 2018 Newsletter

The latest OutLook OnLine Newsletter is out and it’s jam packed with useful information!

Provider neutral BC Legislative Library MARC records for July 2018 are now available for free download on the Legislative Library MARC Records page.

Questions? Contact:

Intersections: Peoples and Places in British Columbia
BC Studies Conference, Thompson Rivers University, May 2-4, 2019

Thompson Rivers University is proud to host the international, multidisciplinary BC Studies Conference on the theme of Intersections: Peoples and Places in British Columbia, May 2-4, 2019.

TRU invites proposals for panels and papers on all areas of research on British Columbia, including those that address intersections within and between peoples and places throughout the province.

Provider neutral BC Legislative Library MARC records for May 2018 are now available for free download on the Legislative Library MARC Records page.

Questions? Contact:

Image of the cover of the WriteAway Actions & Achievements 2017 Report: A photo of a tutor and student looking at a paper.

What do students do with WriteAway feedback? Learn the answer in the WriteAway Actions & Achievements 2017 report:

Also included in the report:

Image of the cover of the Arca Actions & Achievements 2017 Report: A photo of a woman standing in front of shelves of books in the library.

This annual report on the Arca Collaborative Digital Repository contains a list of 2017 service achievements and a breakdown of projected finances.

Also included in the report:

  • Spotlighted savings and value that Arca brings to BC and beyond
  • A profile of College of the Rockies and its involvement in Arca
  • Plans for the service in 2018

The March 2018 BC Open Textbook MARC records (full setand additions) are now available: BC Open Textbook MARC Records

Questions? Contact Sunni Nishimura.

Image of the cover of the OutLook Online Actions & Achievements 2017 Report: A photo of a library assistant standing at the checkout desk.

OutLook OnLine 2017 Actions & Achievements report has been released!

Read about:

  • Highlighted savings and benefits the service brings to BC
  • 2017 service accomplishments
  • How OutLook OnLine is making a difference for Yukon College


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