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EBSCO Bursary Fuels LLEADership Journey

Thanks to the generous support from the EBSCO Bursary, BC ELN’s Arca manager, Brandon Weigel, is participating in the LLEAD program this year. LLEAD is the only leadership and management development program for employees in all roles within academic, public and enterprise libraries and information services. The EBSCO Bursary supports staff employed in Canada's college, public, and university libraries to participate in LLEAD, and Brandon is honoured to receive support for his professional development.
Brandon is the fourth BC ELN staff member to take part in the LLEAD program, and his experience has been fruitful. He shares, “The timing for my participation in LLEAD couldn’t be better, as I am managing a very large project involving many key partners — the migration of over 30 Arca sites to a new platform. The skills and strategies I’m learning through LLEAD — project management techniques, change management, team dynamics and relationship building, and more — are proving invaluable to this project, as well as my overall professional development. I’m learning a lot that will be applicable through the rest of my career.”
The insights Brandon has gained from the LLEAD program will advance his work with BC ELN’s diverse members and sector partners on initiatives that continue to grow in their scale and impact.