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Permissions Project Now Complete - Easily Access Licensing Information For Your Resources

February 7, 2020

We're excited to announce that our Permissions Project is now complete and new licensing information is now easily accessible on the BC ELN website for over 65 reseouces.

BC ELN is committed to strengthening its licensing program and supporting partner libraries by clearly communicating the terms and conditions of access to licensed resources that are negotiated on their behalf. The purpose of the Permissions Project was to expand and sharpen the licensing information included on the BC ELN website.

In 2019, BC ELN surveyed Partner Libraries to identify key permitted uses that should be displayed for each licence.  The survey identified the eight key permitted uses listed below. 

  1. Course Learning Management System
  2. Course Packs
  3. Ereserves
  4. InterLibrary Loans
  5. Perpetual Access
  6. Walk-in Users
  7. Confidentiality
  8. Fair Dealing

Each BC ELN licence has been reviewed against these uses and the Terms and Conditions web page has been expanded and updated to reflect the results of the review. If the permitted use is referenced in the licence, the exact wording and section within the licence is given. If the licence does not address the use, that is indicated as well. Please note that this was a review of the licence terms, and not an interpretation of them.

The review spanned over 65 resources with licences from more than a dozen different vendors. Complete licences and their key permitted uses can be found at

Thank you to everyone who contributed their valuable input to this project. A special thanks to Prubjot Gill, BC ELN Co-op Librarian.