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Shining a Light on Resource Sharing Service Illume

August 1, 2019

Illume word with lightbulb as the dot on the i. Below is the tagline Discover BC Libraries.

Burnaby – OutLook OnLine, the technical and support infrastructure that underpins resource sharing throughout much of BC, has been rebranded as Illume. The adoption of a new name for this long-standing provincial interlibrary loan service coincides with a major upgrade of the underlying software, SHAREit, which migrated to version 6 in early July.

The new name, logo, and tagline Discover BC Libraries were selected in collaboration with service partner Libraries Branch, Ministry of Education, and with input from participating libraries. The name Illume reflects the illuminative nature of discovering the information we seek, and receiving it wherever we are in the province via interlibrary loan. Illume’s 93 participating libraries now have access to a branding toolkit that is customizable to their website design needs, while maintaining a common look and feel for the service.

The migration to SHAREit version 6 was successfully completed earlier this month. This was a much-anticipated migration that will streamline future enhancements and increase the security of the software. Further, the upgrade was done with no increase to software costs.

“The timing is perfect for us to shine a light on this valuable service with a new look and feel,” says Anita Cocchia, Executive Director of the BC Electronic Library Network (BC ELN), which hosts and staffs the Illume Administrative Centre. “Interlibrary loan is key to sharing resources equitably throughout the province, and the service has done so reliably for over 20 years. With an even more robust underlying software, patrons will continue to enjoy the satisfaction of getting the resources they need, regardless of where they live.”

About Illume

Illume is a resource sharing service that provides a single search across all BC public and post-secondary libraries, a union database of the province's library holdings, and an interlibrary loan management tool. Libraries Branch, Ministry of Education and BC ELN jointly fund the Illume Administrative Centre, which is hosted and staffed by BC ELN. Public Library InterLINK provides funding for Illume’s Canadian hosting at Simon Fraser University. Visit

About Auto-Graphics Inc.

Auto-Graphics Inc. is the provider of SHAREit, BC’s interlibrary loan management system and union database. Auto-Graphics is a Library Management and Sharing Software company serving customers' needs with technology to improve, assist, expand, and engage the communities they serve. Visit


For more information, please contact:

Myfanwy “Vaughn” Postgate

Coordinator, Illume Administrative Centre
