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Points to the Past - Updated!

April 19, 2018

Have you explored Points to the Past lately?

Points to the Past has recently been updated! The website makes millions of pages of historical content freely accessible to all residents of BC and Yukon.

Recently refreshed, the Points to the Past website updates include:

  • An attractive home page with single search box
  • Collections viewable as a group or in subgroups by category (e.g. Law and Government)
  • Mobile-friendly, responsive design
  • A revived, eye-catching logo

Students and educators from K-12 to post-secondary, researchers, local historians, and the greater public across BC and Yukon will all find Points to the Past a useful resource. Searchable primary source materials include maps, photographs, newspapers, manuscripts, pamphlets, poems, sermons, and much more. 

All residents of British Columbia and Yukon enjoy barrier-free access to this collection. Gale Primary Sources uses geo-authentication, meaning anyone in BC or Yukon with an Internet-connected device can access these resources with no need to log in or authenticate.

Points to the Past is available thanks to a unique agreement established between Gale and the University of Victoria Libraries, University of British Columbia Library, and Simon Fraser University Library.