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Kanopy is a video streaming service for quality, thoughtful entertainment.

Streaming service for popular and classic films from ACF. [from vendor]

A comprehensive video subscription that delivers 68,000 titles spanning the widest range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more.

This resource is a multi-media teaching unit that promotes a renewed relationship between Indigenous Peoples and Canadians, through transformative multi-media learning. [from vendor]

This Web-based digital video delivery service allows users to view streaming videos from thousands of high-quality educational titles in dozens of subject areas. [from vendor]


No longer offered by BC ELN.

Peer-reviewed, full-text journals and other resources that provide historical information and current trends in business.

An collection of peer-reviewed, full-text journals, including many journals indexed in leading citation indexes. 

Contains images, brief biographies, and information in a variety of subject areas. 


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