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Strategic Plan
2023-27 Strategic Framework
Developed in consultation with partner libraries, Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills representatives, and BC ELN staff, the BC ELN Strategic Framework 2023-27 sets out three directions that will guide BC ELN's momentum over this five-year period:
- Develop Responsive, Inclusive, and Sustainable Services
- Empower and Engage our Community
- Pursue Meaningful, Reciprocal Partnerships
With these overarching directions in place, the consortium will set goals on shorter timelines to allow for frequent assessment and adjustments as priorities shift and circumstances change. This flexible approach ensures BC ELN remains responsive to partner libraries and the Ministry, which provides core funding for the consortium’s work.
BC ELN is mandated to develop, promote, and maintain system-wide mechanisms that allow post-secondary libraries in British Columbia to equitably meet the expanding information needs of the province's learners, educators, and researchers at the lowest possible cost.
Approved by all partners and endorsed by the Steering Committee, the Strategic Framework is used to
- Guide the consortium's work
- Report progress towards BC ELN's vision
- Demonstrate accountability to stakeholders
Past Strategic Plans
For earlier years, please contact the office.